VS - Postcode

Help your browsers find "Their Nearest"
Our Postcode System is integrated into your website. Your webmaster can easily do this for you, we can also do this for you free of charge. Your browsers enter a postcode into your site, results are displayed in nearest order.
No extra user licence fees, hosting charges, or data size fees. Just a one off annual charge.
Our postcode system provides a find nearest store, branch or member system, for your website or intranet, it is a useful tool for your web visitors, customers and employees, enabling them to locate the nearest outlets or partners based on the postcode or town a browser enters.
See how British Association of Removers use the system by clicking the image below.
A turnkey solution. We provide you/your webmaster with the script to easily add a nearest search facility for your web site. The system utilizises our dedicated secure server. You simply send us a spreadsheet of your stores, agents, stockists, shops, outlets, branches or customers, etc. and we do the rest. 
As part of the package you also get a full Administration control panel enabling you to easily update or edit the data on an ongoing basis. Your data is held on a secure server and the access pages can be secured by logins too, if you wish the system to have login or secure access for sensitive data.
Furthermore you can report on the usage of the search to find the most popular searches or to provide your customers with relevant search data.
This package does NOT provide address data for a postcode entered.
Payment Details - Only £149 per year - lowest internet price*
We can set-up the system for you prior to payment and give you a 30 day trial period. After your first month we will invoice you for your first years subscription to the service, and payment can be made by cheque or bacs money transfer.
Also for a small setup fee we can also provide an AJAX version if required to work with Google API's.
If you would like more details of this service, or would like to set-up an initial trial then please contact us to start the process.

Click the image to see how Revostage use the system.
System Features
- Initial set-up and hosting of your postcode search facility. Secure pages included.
- Password protected database system, giving you instant access to add, edit or delete records.
- Complete branding of the search results to match your existing site if required. You supply us with an example webpage
and one of our designers will integrate it into our template system. Alternatively we can provide an iframe url.
- Dedicated IP address so that you can map a sub domain of your site onto the service e.g. http://outlets.yoursite.co.uk
- Paging of results, you specify how many results per page you want to display.
- Maximum radius in miles, you can specify to only include results within a specified radius e.g. 50 miles or include the whole country.
- Cheaper options for charities / non profit organisations, government bodies etc.
* as voted by VS clients.